Web Control Panel’s Framework Installer

Kick–start your internet enterprises using a PHP framework

framework for coders

Within the Black Beard Hosting Web Control Panel, you’ll find an invaluable tool which will allow you to set up a unique PHP framework within seconds. The Frameworks Installer tool performs the whole task for you, and so wipes out the necessity to get a hold of, add and then configure your framework before you start any project. You shall be in a position to start off your framework dependent project very quickly, with no effort.

Initiate your web enterprise with a framework

Numerous frameworks readily available

Via the Black Beard Hosting Web Control Panel, you are able to implement a popular open-source PHP framework. We have prepared a selection of the most common frameworks which are now available online – CakePHP, Akelos, CodeIgniter, Zend, Prado, Zoop, and PHPDevShell. It is possible to integrate just about any framework on any website which is hosted inside your hosting account.

Our PHP Framework Installer tool is available with all web hosting solutions that come with our Web Control Panel – Linux shared web hosting service, VPS service, Linux dedicated servers, and Linux semi-dedicated hosting service.

Your personal PHP framework is merely a mouse click away

1–click PHP framework set up

The installation of a PHP framework can be tough and complicated because you eventually must ensure you find the most up–to–date stable version and possess skills to configure it on your own. Using the PHP Framework Installer, we aim to eliminate this issue. The Installer will let you set up a complete PHP framework in just a minute, without any additional setup required.

We have attempted to shorten the installation procedure a lot. Everything you should do is inform the Installer precisely where you need the PHP framework to be configured and Black Beard Hosting’s intelligent system will perform what’s left.

frameworks one click install
The fastest way for you to back up a framework

1–click backup

Every good coder knows that it is vital to keep a backup of one’s work to rely on in case there is an issue. For this reason, we incorporated a 1–click backup instrument in the PHP Framework Installer. It may help you to back up your current framework and all of the alterations you have made, with just a click.

There’s no backup limitation. As long as you have available disk space in the account, you can make as many backups as you wish.